PRP Hair Rejuvenation

Revitalize Your Hair Naturally

At Ember Aesthetics, we are committed to offering cutting-edge solutions to help you look and feel your best. Our PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Hair Rejuvenation treatment is a natural and effective way to stimulate hair growth and improve hair thickness without the need for invasive procedures. Using your body’s own platelets, this innovative treatment encourages the natural regeneration of hair follicles, providing long-lasting results with minimal discomfort.

Who This Treatment Is For

PRP Hair Rejuvenation is ideal for individuals experiencing thinning hair or hair loss who want a non-surgical approach to hair restoration. Whether you’re in the early stages of hair thinning or seeking a proactive solution to maintain your hair’s health, this treatment is perfect for both men and women. PRP is especially effective for those looking to enhance the quality and density of their hair with a personalized, natural solution.

Why Consider This Treatment

Choosing Ember Aesthetics for your PRP Hair Rejuvenation means receiving the highest level of care and expertise. Here’s why our approach stands out:


  • Natural and Safe: PRP uses your own platelets to stimulate hair growth, making it a safe and natural method of hair restoration.
  • Comprehensive Care: Your monthly subscription includes supplements (if indicated) to support hair health from the inside out, along with one PRP treatment per month.
  • Effective Results: Most individuals will need 3-6 treatments performed every 4 weeks, followed by maintenance sessions as recommended by our providers.
  • Tailored to You: Every treatment plan is personalized based on your consultation and unique hair restoration goals.

What You Should Know

Before starting PRP Hair Rejuvenation, a consultation is required to determine the best approach for your specific needs. The procedure is performed in-office every four (4) weeks, with most clients needing between 3 to 6 treatments initially, followed by maintenance treatments as recommended by your provider. With minimal discomfort and no downtime, you can resume your normal activities right after your appointment.

How It Works

Your journey begins with a consultation at our Duncansville location, where we assess your hair concerns and create a tailored treatment plan. During each session, a small amount of your blood is drawn, processed to extract the platelets, and then injected into the scalp. These platelets work to regenerate hair follicles and improve hair growth over time. While results may vary, many clients begin to see improvements within a few months, with optimal results after completing the recommended treatment plan.

Embrace the future of hair restoration with PRP Hair Rejuvenation at Ember Aesthetics. Reach out today to schedule your consultation and begin your journey to healthier, fuller hair.

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