FACE REALITY Acne Boot Camp is a 3-6 month process with your commitment to use the prescribed acne safe products exclusively AND commit to change your diet, lifestyle, makeup, etc. The FACE REALITY Acne Boot Camp has proven to work with a success rate of 95%. Our program is designed to treat all types of acne grades 1- 4 (mild to severe non-inflamed, inflamed, cystic acne, hormonal acne, acne rosacea, teen acne, mature or adult acne and back acne) without the use of prescription drugs. We use Face Reality Skincare which is a tried and true system of the best anti-acne products and treatments. We customize an effective clear-skin plan just for you.

What is Acne?

Acne is an inherited disorder of the pores – pores that shed dead skin cells much faster than normal. Normal pores shed about one layer of dead skin cells per day inside the pore. The acne-prone pore sheds up to five layers of dead skin cells per day and the body just can’t keep up. This forms the microcomedone, the beginning of all acne. Taking up to 90 days, it turns into blackheads or congestion under the skin; or if bacteria is present (which just loves to feed on the dead skin cells and oil), it turns into inflamed pimples or pustules and maybe even cysts.

How the Acne Program Works:

This Acne Treatment Program uses a comprehensive approach to treat acne. We combine the power of acne treatments with professional acne care products, and the guidance and expertise of a certified acne skincare specialist. All treatment and product selection are determined on an individual basis. What works for one person may not work for another. For this reason, we keep an eye on how your skin responds – making modifications to your treatment plan as needed. This initially requires an office visit every two weeks for several months. Once your acne is under control, you will need to maintain your daily skincare regimen. To keep your skin healthy, follow up appointments are recommended for a monthly deep cleanse facial with professional products.

Learn more about this bootcamp by visiting the link below!

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